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Think improved decision-making, sharper clarity, elevated mood, and a richer sense of fulfillment. This program translates inner growth to outer results, solidifying your journey from successful to phenomenal. Everyone around you benefits from you working on your own mindset and happiness levels 

Fast Track to Elite Mindset

When your mindset is more positive, you show up as a better leader, friend, parent and partner, and things run more smoothly. Imagine a life where daily frustrations don’t even register, like water off a duck’s back. 
This program is here to help you improve your mindset for performance and success.

Do you have a team looking up to you ?
You know mindset is important

How amazing would it be to be feeling accomplished, happy and fulfilled every single day?  And to know that this work you do on your mindset will improve your mindset.

You can be happier.

our brain is like a muscle and it needs its exercise too.  It needs the blood flowing and we need to realise that mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness! 

The truth is...

When everything is going smoothly in life it can be easy to find yourself wondering why you aren't happier.  You may feel you are coasting through, letting life just happen.   

I should be happy.

Craving more success and fulfilment...

 I want to show you how YOU can be living your BEST LIFE right now 

Hi, I’m Kimberley Priest; Brisbane-based mindset coach and lifestyle designer, who helps people, just like you, create a life filled with more joy, success, and fulfilment.

For over two decades, I've dedicated countless hours to learning, practising and teaching the art of happiness. By drawing on complementary fields like hypnotherapy, breathwork and space design, alongside my unique life experience, I help you design tools and implement a routine that leads you to greater personal growth and happiness.

I believe that happiness is the precursor to success (not the other way around), and that when you’re truly happy, success will follow effortlessly.

Meet your mentor

Feel more calm and confident

Have your days run more smoothly

Trial different habits to find what you prefer doing most

We want to see as many people as we can thriving and happier every single day.  We want to see more people take time out for themselves and make everyone around them happier by doing so.

Set up your mindset routine... receive your custom tools... and never look back

Apply here

Tried and tested strategies that take your brain chemistry to the next level. You will trial a huge variety of different mindset habits and figure out which ones work best for you.  One great side effect of all this focus on your happiness is that even more success will flow your way every week! 

Fast Track to Elite Mindset


Learn how to implement different habits proven to boost your happiness chemicals and hormones. 

Create your own custom happiness routine based on trialling and rating all the different habits you test

Raise your baseline level of happiness (which won’t just impact your own happiness but the happiness of everyone around you)

Implement and track your new routine and quite literally change your brain

In the 6 week ‘Fast Track to Elite Mindset’ program you will:

The life changing app is the best part of this program! Downloadable templates done for you that are great for diffusing negative emotions, goal setting and/or gratitude. There are mindset recordings to help you shift states AT ANY TIME in your day! How do you want to feel? There’s a mindset tool in there for that! There is also a daily tracker to help you stay on top of the new life changing routine you’ve created.

Mindset tools and techniques in our Happiness Habits app 


Picture this: once a week, as the sun’s rising, we’re already setting up your day to win. We’re talking 6am to 6:45am, where we breathe life into your goals, shake your bodies with movement, and supercharge your intentions. It’s like a shot of espresso for your soul, with a side of cheer squad because we’re all in this together. 

Power-Up Morning Group Calls


We dive deep into this session that's just for you. We're not just talking any session - we're talking transformation. At the end of this session you will have an amazing, custom, personalised mindset tool designed that you can listen to whenever you like. Need to clear your headspace with breathwork? Or do you want someone to champion your goals with you? Maybe it’s time for a hypnotic shift? Whatever it is, it's your time to break through to the next level and become the best version of you, so you can inspire others to be the best version of themselves too.

1:1 Custom Mindset Tool 


Here's what the program looks like...

Meditations developed especially for Happiness and Success to generate whatever feeling you want to feel whenever you want

Custom Meditations

These worksheets and templates will make a huge difference to how you feel every day which will postivily affect your whole life

Custom Templates and worksheets

Designed to elevate your mindset every day which will improve performance.  This new energy will benefit everyone around you.

Custom Mind Movie

You will also have access to:

In fact, you can achieve all this and more.

Being the Best version of you positively impacting everyone around you

Not being the best version of you for your team and family and friends

Having more energy and an improved immune system 

Feeling flat, drained and mentally tired 

Having daily practices set up to improve your brain function

Wondering why you aren’t feeling as happy as you should

effortlessly achieving better results and inspiring others

craving more success and feeling like it's such a push and hustle

To this

From this

You deserve to invest in yourself.

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A meeting to discuss where you are at and work on improving your situation even more. You will have a new lease on life once you finish this easy 6 week program and have your bonus FREE session!  

A bonus one-on-one session at the end of the program

PLUS... for a limited time only

Ready to change your life?

Please note spaces are limited per intake not everyone is accepted into every round 

You need to prioritise your mental health above all else.  This affects how you feel about your whole life!  However in saying that, the tools supplied in this program are designed to be used on the fly and fit seamlessly into your weeks and will benefit you immensely.  One morning a week and a couple of 1:1 sessions will be easier than you think to fit in! 

I am really busy and and I am not sure if I can fit this into my life…

YES! We will be available by email and will be handling emails every Thursday.  So the maximum time you will wait to hear from us is one week, and we would love to discuss your plans and help with your new routine.  For now we are also offering a 1:1 session at the end of the course.

Do I have any support built into the program, in case I have some questions?

YES! There will be things in this program you have never tried before. Already having some habits in place is even better because it will be quick and easy to attach a few extra habits to your existing routine.

I am already happy and I already have some good habits in place... Will I really add value to my life with this program?

And just in case you're wondering....

cindy thomas, teacher brisbane australia

"My life is pretty great these days and I finally realised how much I have to be thankful for.  I have been able to feel so much more peace in my days from doing this program."

kellie brockling, designer, gold coast Australia

"I have hit more goals in the last 12 months than ever before!  I have won awards and am looking forward to what else the future will bring"

Gemma strongman, producer vancouver Canada

"The tools in this program have helped shift my mindset in ways I cannot explain.  My work days are so much better now and I am so grateful!"


That's me!

Want to start or continue prioritising your mental health and getting your brain in great shape 

Are excited to learn about new ways and strategies to help achieve more from life

Want to have a positive impact in the lives of your team, employees, family and friends

Love it when you feel more positve and would like more of it in your life

Have found yourself constantly wanting more out of life 

You will absolutely LOVE this program if you...

If you scrolled all the way down here, we want to let you know that in just a couple of months after signing up for this program, you’ll be carving out time every single day to invest in yourself. You will be loving it and well on track to living a life filled with more success and fulfilment. You will be so grateful for making this small investment, we cannot wait to work with you and see your mindset improve to the ELITE LEVEL!

The power to achieve this new way of life is at your fingertips...


Appy now. It's time to change your life.

Paste your sign up form here


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